Why Should Children Learn Robotics?

BOC11 comments

Why should children learn robotics or artificial intelligence to our kids? And if it is the case that robotics being an absolute necessity. Then, how can we motivate and inspire our academic institutions? Whether it’s a private school, public, or Madrassa to integrate such a course into the curriculum. And what potential challenges we should

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Which 3 Subjects to introduce in Schools post-COVID19?

BOC3 comments

Pakistan rarely accepted technology as significant. The Corona Virus led us to learn it the hard way. It has literally changed the dynamics of the education industry and forced governments to make immediate interventions. In fact, it allowed us to reimagine the entire affair of “imparting knowledge.” And prepare ourselves for the future to train

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What Makes TCS a Ten-Star?

What Makes TCS a Ten-Star?

BOC1 comment

The other day I was cruising online surfing through the web and munching over the vision statements of private schools in Islamabad. Their confessions to upscale the millennials put me in awe. I was literally on the seventh sky learning of their international collaborations. Let us all have a round of applause for their efforts

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21st Century Education for Pakistan

21st Century Education for Pakistan

BOC5 comments

You will find pre-schools in Pakistan even making claims of 21st century education. No one bothers to know why such ‘kind of reality’ needs to be created for our kids when Pakistan is still considered a developing country. A place where indigenous industries, like agriculture and fishing, use primitive means to feed more than 220 million

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The Creative Schools – TCS is Pakistan’s first-ever educational Network that facilitates STEAM-based learning – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics -with socio-economic and cultural contexts. It adheres to the international standards of education and organization



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